Road Ripper
asset Img

Road Ripper

  • RRX-600

Road Ripper was designed using never-seen-before technology provided by the Amenthes nation. Its well-balanced stats give a competitive edge for racing on tracks that contain both straight-line stretches as well as twists and turns.

Car Statistics

  • 6.0
  • 6.2
  • 5.7
  • 6.5
  • 5.6



Roadripper’s key strength handling provides it a competitive edge for racing on tracks.


Father of Sigma

Road Ripper was designed using never-seen-before technology provided by the Amenthes nation in the year 3002 A.D. It was the first ever vehicle produced with aerodynamics so advanced that a new class of cars had to be introduced, the Sigma Class.

Excellent Balance

Road Ripper is the most well-balanced vehicle in the Uncommon rarity, giving it a competitive edge for racing on tracks which contain both straight line stretches as well as twists and turns.

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